Jeremy Rumeld

Jeremy Rumeld

Jeremy Rumeld

Chief Operating Officer

Chief Operating Officer

Chief Operating Officer

The right (tech) tool for your (virtual/hybrid) job

The right technology can make or break the experience. Unfortunately, because of confusing terminology, great tools aren’t always used for the right needs. The best approach? Start with your brand and your audience’s needs, and let that lead the technology.

  • Are you creating a virtual experience to boost direct sales or build awareness?

  • Are you looking to speak to a small audience or broadcast to the masses?

  • Are close-to-free tools and their limitations acceptable to your brand, or do you need to protect your brand image and provide more customized features?

By going back to the actual needs, you can help determine the most adapted tools, and create the most fluid experience for your participants. To help your thinking, here is GRADIENT's overview of quality tools at your disposal.

At Gradient, our primary mission is to optimize human connection and create meaningful and memorable interactions between brands and customers/stakeholders. Leveraging the right tool for the job is part and parcel of that effort, but we never forget that the emotion at the core of our client’s message is what leads the effort, not the technology leveraged.